Still Have Questions?

Our FAQ’s provide further information about some of our most common enquiries.

Appointments And Locations

Where is Victory Through Ability located? 

Our head office is based in Sydney, Australia. However, we provide services remotely and can assist you no matter where you are located. 

I live outside of Australia. Are you still able to help me?

Absolutely! The recruitment skills and disability disclosure advice that we provide may vary based on our disability or needs but will be relevant no mater where you are located. 

What format do you use for your appointments? 

We have phone or video appointments with our clients. The format that we use for our appointments will depend on the client’s preference, the activities being carried out, and accessibility / ease-of-use for the client. 

How often do you have appointments with clients? 

We typically recommend having an appointment with your employment expert once a week, so that you can continually make progress towards your goals. However, this may increase or decrease based on your availability and the activities that need to be conducted. 

Do you provide face-to-face appointments?

We can provide face-to face appointments in the Sutherland Shire in Sydney. Please contact us to gain more information about face-to-face appointments or to schedule a meeting.  

Our Services

I don’t know what career I want, or what jobs I can do with my disability. Are you still able to help me? 

Absolutely! We have a lot of experience in determining jobs that match each client’s unique set of skills, interests, and experience. Check out our services page for more information about this type of support.  

What jobs can you get for your clients? 

We can help you get a job in any industry, providing that you have the right experience and qualifications, or are willing to develop your skills. Some jobs that we have helped clients secure in the past include working as a concierge staff member at the Sofitel Wentworth, providing customer support the Commonwealth Bank’s head office, working as a math tutor, and being hired as a team member at Kmart.

Can you help people who are still in high school and looking for part-time work? 

Yes! We’ve worked with a lot of clients who are in their final years of high school and are looking for their first job, or work experience. 

What disabilities can you support? 

We work with clients who have a variety of disabilities and health conditions including depression, anxiety, ADHD, autism, vision loss, hearing loss, cerebral palsy, speech impairments, intellectual disabilities, amputees, and much more. Though we have experience providing support to people with a range of different conditions, we understand that no two people are the same and will always speak to you and / or you representative to understand the assistance / supports you need for our appointments, the recruitment process and at the workplace.

I want to start my own business. Are you able to help with this? 

Yes! We can provide support to micro or small business. Please check out our services page for more information about this.

Can you help with work experience or volunteering? 

Of course! We often help clients gain volunteering and work experience opportunities if they are new to the workforce, want to build their confidence, or are changing careers. However, just like with paid employment, we will never push you into doing work experience if this is not something that you want to do.

I am already working with a Disability Employment Service (DES) provider, but I would like to start working with Victory Through Ability instead. How do I transfer to your services? 

That’s fantastic! In most cases, this is a very easy process, and you only need to complete our standard intake documents. However, if you are receiving payments from Centrelink then please get in contact with Victory Through Ability before taking any action with your current provider, so we can ensure that your payments will not be impacted.

I want support with applying for the disability support pension (DSP). Can you help with this? 

Yes! We can help you with applications for the Disability Support Pension and the Disability Support Pension-Blind.


How do I pay for your services?

We accept payments through the NDIS if you are self-managed or plan managed and have an employment goal outlined in your plan. If you are located outside of Australia or do not have a NDIS plan, then you can also pay for services out of pocket.

How much do you charge?

Our pricing varies depending on the type of services you are accessing. Please contact Victory Through Ability directly to request a quote.

I am receiving Job Seeker Payments from Centrelink. Can I still access services from Victory through Ability?

Of course! However, you may be required to continue attending appointments with Workforce Australia Online, or another provider that is registered with Workforce Australia. Please contact Victory Through Ability so we can determine the best way to support you and ensure that your Job Seeker payments aren’t affected.


What NDIS line item do you use?

The line item that we use in our invoices often depend on the funding that you have available in your NDIS plan, and the type of services you are accessing from Victory Through Ability. We will work with you to ensure that you have enough funding in your plan to access our services, and that working with Victory Through Ability will not deplete any funding categories that you require for other service providers. 

What if I don’t have an NDIS plan? 

If you don’t have an NDIS plan, then you can still access our services and pay for supports out-of-pocket. Your employment consultant can also help you apply for the NDIS so that you can start paying for our employment support with your NDIS plan in the future.

I want help applying for the NDIS, or submitting an NDIS review. Can you help with this? 

Absolutely! We have a lot of experience with helping client’s get their first NDIS plan and gaining additional funding from the NDIS for a range of categories including ‘Finding and Keeping a Job’. 

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