When it comes to preparing for work, Victory Through Ability offer valuable support and resources to help you become job ready. By utilising the resources and support provided by our team, you can enhance your job readiness, gain confidence, and increase your chances of securing meaningful employment. Our services cater to the unique needs of individuals and offer a comprehensive approach to preparing for work.


Discovering The Career That’s Right For You

It can be hard to know what jobs you can do with your disability, or what you’ll enjoy, if you’ve never worked before. We will help you gain clarity and focus by reviewing your previous experience, education, strengths, and interests to create a list of jobs that will suit you. You will then let your employment consultant know which of these jobs you are interested in, so that they can help you get hired in that role.


Resume And Cover Letter Creation

If you’ve been submitting job applications and haven’t been invited to interviews, then it’s likely that your resume needs some work. Don’t worry though, that’s what we’re here for! Our expert employment consultants will create a brand-new resume for you that will capture the attention and interest of employers and hiring managers. Your employment consultant will use a resume template and writing strategies that have been proven to work with applicant tracking systems, which is used by approximately 89% of medium and large companies in Australia to discard unsuitable candidate applications.


Job Searching And Application

It can be very time consuming to search for jobs if you’re not sure where to look. We will help you save time and energy by searching for jobs for you. When we find a suitable position, we will email it to you for you to review. If you wish to apply for the job, then we can create a tailored job application on your behalf.


Networking With Employers To Create Tailored Jobs

Sometimes, the jobs that are advertised online will not be suitable for our clients (for example, if clients have multiple disabilities or are not able to complete all the aspects required for the role). In these situations, we will work directly with inclusion and diversity managers or hiring managers to create a job that suits your capabilities and requirements. 


Job Interview Training

We understand that job interviews can be a very nerve-racking process. That’s why Victory Through Ability helps you build job interview skills, so that you feel confident going to an interview and have a higher chance of getting hired. We help you prepare for common interview questions (which are asked by all employers, regardless of the industry), and will also create questions that are tailored towards a specific role you have applied for. On average, we can anticipate and prepare for 80% of questions that clients are asked at their job interviews and will give you strategies for handling any curve ball questions that may arise as well.


Skills Training

If you’re just entering the workforce, have had a break from employment, or are looking to start working in a new industry, then you may need to gain some new skills. Victory Through Ability will help determine what skills you are currently lacking, and how you can gain these skills. We can help you connect to other service providers or enrol you into courses offered by external institutions. Some of the skills we have helped clients with include touch typing, orientation and mobility training, assistive technology, Tafe courses, and short courses.


Strategies For Advising Employers About Your Disability

Most people with disabilities are worried that if they tell employees about their condition, then they won’t get hired. However, this is only the case if you don’t know the correct time and way to talk to employers about your disability. In fact, using a strong disability disclosure statement will have zero negative impacts on your chances of being hired, and will help you get the support and understanding required for you to thrive in your job and stay long term.

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